Handicapped Start Race
Approximate Distance: 11.40km
Course Direction:Anti-clockwise
From the start, head to the gutter turn right at Black & Yellow channel post into the gutter.
Then turn anti clock wise, at the last Green channel post.
Back up the gutter, towards St Huberts Bridge.
Keep the Red channel post on your right.
Turn anti clock wise at the last Red channel post, before the bridge do not go under the bridge.
Head back down the gutter, turn clock wise at the last Green channel post.
Head back up the gutter, turn left at the Black & Yellow channel post to head back.
Keep the Red channel post on your left and Green on your right.
Head to Empire Bay, with Red post on your left and the FAT Red buoy on your left.
Continue to the next Red channel post and turn clock wise.
Head back to the start/finish line keep the Red channel post & buoy on your right and Green channel post on your left.
The yellow buoy near the finish on your left
Finish between the pink buoy and the shore.